Crash Gordon and the Mysteries of Kingsburg by Derek Swannson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read "Crash Gordon and the Revelations from Big Sur" before I read this book and I'm glad that I did. It gave me a deeper understanding of Crash than I might have had if I'd read them in the reverse order. I experienced quite a few "Ahhh, that explains it!" moments during 'Mysteries of Kingsburg" that it gave me a much deeper appreciation of "Big Sur." Crash is an amazing character. It was so great seeing him as a 6 year old, waiting for the Easter Bunny while fretting over what color dress his Basset Hound Sam (short for Samantha) should wear to their wedding. Yes, THEIR wedding. There's nothing Crash wants more than to marry his narcoleptic dog and live happily ever after. Well, except actually see the Easter Bunny, but that fascination goes down the crapper after the spectral Easter Bunny opens up a can of Whoop Ass on poor Crash.
That's not even the first chapter, folks. There is so much action, humor, and so many crazy situations going on that I literally found myself reading out loud in my back yard like it was open mic night and my neighbors were my audience.
I am going to pay this story what I think is the ultimate compliment and that is to say I have not laughed this much since reading Christopher Moore's "A Dirty Job." That's quite an achievement.
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