Saturday, February 15, 2014

Review: Divorcing? What to Expect Before You Do: No Regrets, no Resentment and no Blame, is that Possible? by Anthony Rivera

Divorcing? What to Expect Before You Do: No Regrets, no Resentment and no Blame, is that Possible?Divorcing? What to Expect Before You Do: No Regrets, no Resentment and no Blame, is that Possible? by Tony Rivera
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tony Rivera has done a fantastic job of writing a common sense approach to not only divorce, but marriage itself. Rivera is right; the divorce rate in America is high because it's almost too easy to get a divorce. There is certainly much less effort involved in ending a marriage than in keeping one together. In 10 easy to read chapters, Rivera covers topics such as why to or why not to get a divorce; settling; how to deal with divorce when children are involved and what to do when the children blame themselves; and the eventual train wreck of reentering the dating world.

At no time does Rivera get preachy. There is no condemnation, no editorializing, no "you're breaking the law of God" judgments. In fact, in no uncertain terms, Rivera makes it clear that if a person is involved in an abusive marriage they need to get the hell out as quickly as possible.

Rivera also takes on the subject of spanking our children and points out that we are teaching our children to hit when they think something is bad and to accept the punishment for being bad. There is no doubt that a spanked child can easily develop into an abusive adult.

I like Tony, his story very much parallels mine. My wife left without looking back and the children stayed with me. I raised them on my own for two years before I met my current (and final) wife. It was good to read his story. That moment immediately after separation occurs is one of the lowest points of someone's life. You feel like there is no one out there and that no one else can suffer like you are at that stage in your life. Tony lets you know that it happens to everyone and it makes you feel much better, even if those wounds have closed long ago.

If you are considering getting a divorce, this is an excellent $1.99 investment. I highly recommend this work.

You can pick up a copy here:

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