Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Book Review: Like Jagged Teeth by Betty Rocksteady

Like Jagged TeethLike Jagged Teeth by Betty Rocksteady

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Like Jagged Teeth" is unlike anything I have ever ready before. One one hand it is a stark and terrifying tale of a young woman trapped in an ever changing apartment with a grotesque and violent version of her beloved grandfather. on the other hand, it is a tale of redemption, deliverance from guilt, and the peace that comes from forgiving yourself,

Poppa's apartment is more than just a setting for the book's characters, it is, in its own way, a character in the story. It is a living, breathing thing of horror. The number of doors in the hallway change at random. The nightmares that live behind the doors change as well. The carpets, the walls, the furnishings all take on a hideous life of their own. Poppa's apartment is an abattoir, a slaughterhouse filled with horrific creatures like spiders who dine on gigantic maggots and shadows that seem to have a life of their own.

i read this entire novella in three hours. i was sucked into the story line and willingly held hostage all the way to the end. This is an amazing read.

View all my reviews

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