Monday, August 31, 2015

Review: Puzzleman by Christopher Broadstone

Puzzleman: A NovelPuzzleman: A Novel by Christopher Alan Broadstone

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reading Christopher Broadstone requires more than being literate. It requires letting your mind take you to places you don't want to go, but yet you go gleefully hoping there's an accident you can't look away from at every mile marker. It's not an easy read, but that's not a bad thing. This isn't something by horror icons who spit out pulp two to three times a year. the kind of books where you could skip entire chapters and still know what is going on. Broadstone wants you to read and think about what you are reading. His prose is gorgeous and turned my mind into a Lynchian landscape for the horrifying Puzzleman. If you like highly intelligent horror, please check this one out.

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Review: David Bowie is Trying To Kill Me! by Lee Widener

David Bowie is Trying to Kill Me!David Bowie is Trying to Kill Me! by Lee Widener

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Poor Brogloid. He just wanted to have a normal day working on his dream of building a replica of Mount Saint Helen's made entirely of cockroaches. But then dastardly David Bowie showed up at his door and filled Brogloid with dread. The misadventures that follow Brogloid as he avoids the dastardly old pompous rock star while searching for the Anti-Bowie are both surreal and hysterical. "David Bowie is Trying to Kill Me" is highly imaginative and great fun.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Review: A Prison For Bozos by Michael Rolls

A Prison For Bozos: A Goof Gilbert Adventure (The Adventures of Goof Gilbert Book 1)A Prison For Bozos: A Goof Gilbert Adventure by Michael Rolls

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When the main character of a book is known as "Goof," you should have a pretty good idea of what kind of story you are in for. "A Prison For Bozos" has every element that a good Bizarro story should have, unusual characters in unusual situations, an alternate reality, and enough humor and satire to fill at least two full length novels. Goof Gilbert is a slacker with dozens upon dozens of get-rich-quick schemes that he just knows will work, but his day job keeps getting in the way. So Goof cracks yet another scheme, and that is to get a doctor's note excusing him from work for eighteen months so he can concentrate on getting rich and not needing a job. Not long after he manages to get a note, he winds up in trouble with the law and gets sentenced to the Free-Will Annex. "A Prison For Bozos" is written in a very stream-of-consciousness style that is part slapstick, social commentary, and sometimes just plain weird. I loved it.

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